There are only four desserts on the menu; key lime pie is one. Carlyle's entry is pictured at left. Here's how it fared:
Presentation: A fairly traditional presentation. Pie with twist of lime on top, whipped cream on the side with a strawberry for decoration.
Crust: A flavorful graham cracker style crust. Notes of ginger and cinammon gave it interest.
Filling: Authentic flavor of limes was a strength of the filling. Texture of the filling was a bit more solid and rubbery than it might have been, but was generally good.
Topping: Is it still topping if it's off to the side? I guess so. Pretty basic whipped cream topping. Good, but with nothing particularly interesting about it.
Original elements: The flavoring of the crust was unusual. Unexpected and a good complement to the citrus of the filling.
Traditional elements: Presentation was standard for this dish. Comforting, but would have benefitted from some spark of originality in presentation.
Rating: Three limes out of four. Satisfying, flavorful both in the strong citrus of the filling and the unusual notes of the crust.